In the event of a fire at a nuclear power plant, the ability to maintain the plant in a safe and stable condition or safely shut down is paramount. The ARS operations team identifies the systems, structures, and components important to safety to identify any condition that could challenge the ability to maintain at least one train of redundant systems free from fire damage. Using the results of safe shutdown analysis and/or FPRA, ARS creates innovative mitigation strategies and recovery plans to address any challenges. The operations team works with the electrical and fire protection teams to provide effective, feasible, and economical solutions, whether modifications or procedural changes, to ensure safety and reduce risk. ARS works with each client to deliver turn-key fire protection programs and procedures.
The specialties of the operations team include:
- Safe Shutdown Analysis
- FPRA Support, including the following NUREG/CR-6850 Task:
- Task 2, Equipment Selection
- Fire Mitigation and Recovery Strategies
- Fire Risk Evaluations
- Compartment Analysis
- Procedure Writing and Support
- Operator Action Feasibility and Gap Analysis
- Plant Walkdowns
Safe Shutdown Analysis
During a safe shutdown analysis, ARS performs a complete review of the ways in which a plant’s operating systems could be affected by a fire. The expert staff at ARS are well-versed in the unique challenges facing nuclear power plant operating systems in adverse conditions. By reviewing systems, equipment, cables, and barriers, our operations, electrical, and fire protection analysts create a thorough plan to address every potential adverse condition identified within a plant, allowing plant personnel to cool the reactor core and shut down the plant safely in the event of a fire. Our staff have experience working with many types of plant designs and shutdown plans, both in the US and internationally.