ARS personnel have extensive experience with commercial nuclear power plants in the US and abroad, including Japan, Korea, the UAE, and Belgium.   ARS staff experience covers more than 50 commercial nuclear plants in addition to government nuclear and general non-nuclear industrial facilities.  Our experience includes work with multiple pressurized water reactor (PWR) designs, boiling water reactor (BWR) designs, mixed oxide (MOX) designs, and advanced or new generation reactor designs.

Appendix R

As one would expect from our name, the ARS staff have a long history of experience with compliance under 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, and NUREG 0800 requirements.   Our staff includes previous site and fleet fire protection owners with experience dating back to original GL 86-10 positions and original programs for compliance.

NFPA 805 Transition

ARS NFPA 805 experience ranges from early pilot plant support to full scope NFPA 805 projects which we have completed in cooperation with our strategic partners.   Specific ARS NFPA 805 experience includes project management, licensing and LAR development, safe shutdown analysis including full circuit analysis capability, NFPA code compliance, GL 86-10 evaluations, and Fire PRA support including a full spectrum of fire modeling experience. ARS continues to support NFPA implementation projects at a number of US sites.

Fire Probabilistic Risk Analysis (FPRA)

ARS has teamed with strategic partners to provide a full range of Fire PRA support for domestic and international clients.  This includes the full range of NUREG/CR-6850 tasks, using the latest industry guidance and industry experience.  The integration of ARS fire protection, operations, and electrical teams with strategic alliances allows ARS the capability to guide clients through every step of a Fire PRA process and its implementation.  This integrated approach drives innovative and unique solutions to ensure a seamless transition to a fully-client owned and maintained process with reduced risk.